Vitamin B12(Cobalamin)

Vit B12 has a very important function in the body as a cofactor(active part)enzymes involved in DNA synthesis. It also functions in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism and myelin synthesis which is a nervous system isolation. It is also important in the maturation process of the red cells. Vit B12 is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract realized by Gastric Intrinsic Factor (GIF) by binding to VitB12 for the absorption. If GIF is absent, the absorption of Vit B12 is impaired. It is also less absorbed with the decrease of the production of gastric acid(achlorhydria). Vit B12 is the important compound enhancing intestinal iron absorption and thus playing a role in the function of the red blood cells. red blood cells. Folic acid and Vit B12 work together to produce S-Adenosylmethionine(SAMe), a compound playing role in the immune function , mood, helping iron to work effectively, making red blood cells and regulating the level of homocysteine, the high levels of which is associated with heart disease.
Interpretation:Vit B12 deficiency together with folate, may cause pernicious anemia characterized by fatique,shortness of breath,rapid heart rate,jaundice,tingling hands and feet,loss of apetite,diarrhea,unsteady walking,bleeding gums,impaired sense of smell , depression , confusion and megaloblastic anemia (because of the inability to make enough red blood cells). No upper limit has been set for Vit B12, as there is no established toxic level. However high doses have found to be associated with bone fractures.
Sample: Arm vein blood.Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Next day 6:00 PM