Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity(UIBC)

UIBC is the sum of serum iron and the Total Iron Binding Capacity which is the reserve capacity of transferrin for binding more iron. Therefore UIBC also reflects transferrin levels.
Interpretation: Elevated UIBC may indicate iron deficiency in the diet or inability to absorb iron. It also reflects iron loss from the body by hemolytic anemia or hemoliysis, toxic doses of iron, liver condutions such as necrosis(liver failure) and hepatitis. If there is iron deficiency, UIBC or Total Iron Binding Capacity(TIBC) will be high . However, in pregnancy and in the use of oral contraceptives they may both be high or normal. A low TIBC, UIBC or transferrin may also occur if someone has malnutrition, inflammation or nephrotic syndrome.
Sample: Arm vein blood
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Next day 6:00 PM