
Semen analysis is a test that examines sperm in many ways under a microscope. Sperm count is important for male fertility. A normal sperm count is 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Below 15 million/ml is considered low. This is called oligozoospermia. While sperm count is important for male infertility, there are other parameters in sperm analysis: motility, viscosity, pH, liquefaction time, leukocyte count (immature sperm forms called spermatocytes or leukocytes) and morphology (described in the Sperm morphology heading). Normal sperm count is called Normozoospermia. A sperm concentration of less than 15 million/ml is called Oligozoospermia. If sperms with abnormal movements are high, it is called asthenozoospermia. Sperm with a normal morphology of less than 30% is Teratozoospermia. The above three factors together are called Oligoathenozoospermia. If there is no sperm in the semen, it is called Azozoospermia. The absence of semen is called aspermia.
Interpretation:Sperm count: Low motility can reduce the chance of sperm reaching and fertilizing the egg. In a normal sperm analysis, about half of the sperm should move properly. Motility: It is evaluated as Progressive (reported as +4), Progressive slow (+3), Fixed movement (++2) and non-progressing immobile sperm count. pH: Evaluates the acidity of semen. If it is too acidic (pH less than 7.2) sperm health will be affected. Volume: The amount of sperm per milliliter. It should be between 2-6 ml. Less volume may be due to a pathological obstruction or collection problems during sample preparation. Liquefaction time (liquefaction): Indicates the time it takes for semen to transform from a sticky substance to a liquid. Abnormality (too dense or too viscous) indicates that the sperm is blocked from reaching the woman’s reproductive system.
Sample: Semen (no sexual abstinence for 2-7 days before sample day and no alcohol use at least one day before)
Working day: Every day
Result Time: Same day 18:00