Semen Analysis

Semen analysis is a test that examines the semen in many aspects and under microscope. Sperm count is important for male fertility. A normal sperm count ranges from 15 million to 200 million sperm per mililiter of semen. Any count less than 15 million/ml, is considered to be low. This is called oligozoospermia. Although sperm count is important for male infertility, there are other parameters in sperm analysis which are motility, viscosity, pH, time for liquifaction, white blood cells count (either immature sperm forms called spermatocytes or leucocytes) and morphology (Morphology is assesed in Sperm Morphology section) A normal sperm count, is called Normozoospermia Sperm concentration low than 15 million/ml, is called Oligozoospermia Sperm with movement abnormalities, is called Asthenozoospermia Sperm with less than 30% normal morphology, is Teratozoospermia The above three factors together are called Oligoasthenozoospermia If there is no sperm in the ejaculate, it is called Azozoospermia If there is no ejaculate, it is called Aspermia
Interpretation: Sperm count : Low motility, may reduce the chances of the sperm reaching and fertilizing the egg. In a normal sperm analysis, almost approximately half of the sperm have appropriate movement. Motility is also assesed as Progressive (reported as +4), Progressive slow (+3), Steady movement (++2) and nonprogressive immobile sperm counts. pH: Asseses the acidity of the semen. If it is too acidic (pH less than 7.2), the health of the sperm is affected. Volume: Amount of the semen in mililiters. Should be between 2-6 ml. Less volume may be due to a pathological obstruction or due to collecting problems in preparing the samle. Time to liquifaction: Shows how quickly semen changes from a sticky substance to a liquid. If this is abnormal (too dense or highly viscose), it shows the disability of the sperm traveling to the woman’s reproductive system.
Sample: Semen (With sexual abstinens for 2-7 days and no alcohol use at least one day before the specimen day)
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Same day 6:00 PM