SARS- Cov-2 Rapid Test

SARS-CoV-2 Rapid test is also called as lateral flow tests. This means that the nasoparyngeal swab is flown in a colloidal bed (adsorbent paper), containing antibody towards Nucleocapsid protein of the Virus. If there is the antigen (Nucleocapsid protein of the virus), in the sample, it binds to the antibody and gives a coloured line. This test gives result in 15-20 minutes but it is not as accurate compared to the PCR test in which the genetic material of the virus is amplificated several times. This test only detects the presence or absence of an antigen. Therefore, if the antigen is low in concentration, many false negatives are inevitable. Antigen tests are only reliable, if there is a high concentration of virus in the specimen. At this point, PCR test is the gold standard.
Interpretation:This test gives result in 15-20 minutes but it is not as accurate compared to the PCR test in which the genetic material of the virus is amplificated several times. This test only detects the presence or absence of an antigen. Therefore, if the antigen is low in concentration, many false negatives are inevitable. Antigen tests are only reliable, if there is a high concentration of virus in the specimen. At this point, PCR test is the gold standard.
Sample: Nasopharyngeal swab. Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: 30 minutes