
Salicylates are natural chemicals made by plants to protect plants against disease. Salicylic acid (Aspirin) is a pain reliever and fever reducer. In addition to aspirin it is also found in some other medicines as bismuth saliccylate, cholin salicylate, magnesium salicylate and salsalate.
Interpretation: A salicylate allergy causes symptoms such as wheezing and trouble in breathing, headaches, nasal congestion, changes in skin color, itching, rashes, stomach pain, eczama, intestinal inflamation, diarrhea and cholitis. In severe allergy, it may cause anaphylaxis. This happens when the immune system reacts to salycilate, causing severe inflamation. Even if the patient is not allergic to salicylic acid, it is not recommended to use it in high doses. It is used daily for pain, fever and inflamation and preventing exessive clotting which can cause heart attack. Daily usage and dosee should be advised by the doctor. In excessive daily usage, nausea and vomitting, rapid breathing, ringing in the ears, sweating, fatique, headache, confusion and hallucinations may be the overdose symptoms.
Sample: Arm vein blood. Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Same day 6:00 PM