FactorII is one of the 13 blood clotting cascade elements. It is also known as protrombin. It is synthesized in the liver.
Interpretation:Factor II Deficiency is one of the blood clotting disorders. Symptoms may vary from wild to severe. Blood clotting may be slower than normal. The symptoms may be umbilical cord bleeding at birth, unexplained bruising, abnormal bleeding after surgery or injury, prolonged nose bleeds, bleeding from the gums, heavy or prolonged menstrual periods, internal bleeding of the organs like muscles, skull or brain. The reasons for prothrombin deficiency might be a heredidary factor caused by a resessive gene, but it is rare. Acquired deficiency might be caused by Vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, medications with anticoagulants (Warfatin or Coumadin), production of autoimmune inhibitors that disable healthy clotting factors. The test may be performed by using the Factor assay and PT test (testing how quickly the blood clots) to give an idea for further assays.
Sample: Arm vein plasma (CITRATE). Nonfasting
Working day: Friday
Result Time: Next Day 6:00 PM