
Proinsulin is the precursor of insulin hormone. After synthesis, it is sent to secretory granules to be converted into C-Peptide and Intact insulin. Only 1%-3% of the proinsulin is secreted in blood before the conversion. Proinsulin, has a longer half life in blood compared to insulin and it can account for the 5-30% of the insulin structure, circulating in blood.
Interpretation: If proinsulin levels are interpreted with insulin levels and Proinsulin levels are high, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes risk may be evaluated by the clinician. Proinsulin measurements are also markers of insulinoma. High proinsulin to normal insulin may be an indicator of hyperproduction of insulin in pancreatic beta cells. Patients with chronic renal failure and Type 2 Diabetes may have increased proinsulin values but hypoglycemia may not be detected.
Sample: Arm vein blood. Fasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Same day 6:00 PM