Known also as noradrenaline, norepinephrine is a hormone functioning as a neurotransmittor responsible for the attention and response function of the brain. Together with epinephrine, noradrenalin regulates the heartbeat, release of stored glucose to regulate blood glucose concentrations and increasing blood pressure in the skeletal muscle to the response of (fight or flight), mechanism. Ardenalin or epinephrine is secreted from adrenal glands, where noradrenaline is secreted from the neurons. They act through Alpha 1,2 and Beta 2 receptors. Autonomic nervous system is divided in two groups: symathetic and parasympatethic. The symphathetic system activates the so called fight or flight mechanism when there is a sudden threat or a perceived danger (preparing the body for stress related activities). The parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to a state of calm. Parastmpathetic nerves are the branches of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Sympathetic nerves are located in the vertebral column toward the midde of the spinal cord (beginning from the first thoracic segment), and extend to the second and third lumbar systems. Symphathetic (also called adrenergic) receptors are two types:Alpa 1,2 and Beta 2. They are located on the arteries. Alpha 1, is stimulated by epinephrine or norepinephrine to constrict the arteries thus increasing the blood pressure. If Alpha receptors are blocked, the arteries dilate. This is used to treat hypertension. Beta 1 receptors are located near the heart. When they are stimulated, they increase heart rate and heart’s contractility. Beta 2 receptors are located in branchioles of the lungs, arteries of skeletal muscles. When they are stimulated by epinephrine or norepinephrine, they increaase the diameter of bronchioles to let more air during breathing . These are all the reasons to alpha beta receptor agonist for treatments to regulate the above functions.
Interpretation: If noradrenalin is increased, heartbeat and blood pressure increases, blood glucose concentration is increased and the blood flow rate of the skeletal muscle increases. Additionally, blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract decreases, urination decreases and intestinal movement is decreased. Certain medical condutions such as tumors, chronic stress and obesity, can affect adrenal glands and increase norepinephrine. Low levels may cause lethargy (lack of energy), lack of concentration, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), and depression. Some antidepressants affect the norepinephrine levels in the brain.
Sample: Arm vein plasma(HEPARINE). Nonfasting
Working day: Tuesday
Result Time: 3 days 6:00 PM