Mullerian-Inhibiting Hormone(MIH)

AMH is made in the reproductive tissues of both males and females and plays an important role in the development of sex organs in a fetus. In the first weeks of pregnancy, a baby will start developing reproductive organs. If the baby has male (XY) genes, high levels of AMH are made, along with other male hormones which prevent the development of female organs. Deficient AMH will lead to organs with both sexes. This is ambiguous genitalia (intersex) .If the fetus is XX female, AMH is made to form female sex organs. When the puberty comes, the ovaries produce more AMH to make eggs. The higher the AMH levels, the higher the number of eggs. Therefore, this hormone is an indicator of female fertility. It is also used as the predictor of menopause. It is also an indicator for the treatment of ovarian cancer.
Interpretation:High and low values, show ovarian egg producing capacity. High levels may also indicate PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Low levels are normal in women with menopause and for young girls. In a male infant, a low level of AMH may mean a genetic and/or hormonal problem causing genitals that are not clearly male or female. If AMH levels are normal, it may mean the baby has working testicles, but they are not in the right location. This condition can be treated with surgery and/or hormone therapy.
Sample: Arm Vein blood. Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Same day 6:00 PM