BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)

Urea is the waste product of the amino acids which make up proteins. Proteins are converted to ammonia, carbon dioxide and water in the liver (especially for energy need). Ammonia is toxic for the body therefore it should be disposed. This is done by the liver by converting ammonia to a nontoxic compound urea, to be safely taken to kidneys and excreted in urine. After excretion, the bacteria convert it back to ammonia, giving the smell of the urine. Any condution impairing the elimination of urea from the kidneys, causes a rise in urea and nitrogen wastes in blood (uremia) and even fatal problems (elevated blood osmolality, enhanced water imbalance from the tissues like brain, cerebrospinal fluid and eye into the interstisial fluid and plasma) leading to the need for blood dialiysis to get rid of the urea in the blood.
Blood Urea Nitrogen is the measurement of the amount of urea expressed in Urea Nitrogen. This is a noninformative test in some condutions, because it does not give information about the urea molecule itself. It gives the nitrogen amount which may come from other sources other than urea. Therefore, a BUN test may not indicate the condutions such as liver damage, urinary tract obstruction, congestive heart failure or gastrointestinal bleeding but elevated BUN may also be due to dehydration and impaired kidney functions.
Interpretation:Urea test is done to inspect whether there is a kidney disease especially if the patient suffers from diabetes or high blood pressure which impair kidney functions. It is also performed as a part of a test group related to liver damage,urinary tract obstruction,congestive heart failure or gastrointestinal bleeding.If there is a kidney problem, blood urea measurements should also be supported with blood creatinine test. High blood urea levels are called uremia. Uremia is associated with fluid, electrolyte and hormone imbalances and metabolic problems parallel with impaired renal function. Uremia symptoms are nausea, vomitting, fatique, anorexia, weight loss, muscle cramps, pruritus, mental status changes, visual disturbances and increased thirst. Severe complications are seizure, coma, cardiac arrest, gastrointestinal bleeding, osteoporozis due to renal failure, hypoglycemia and death. A low BUN may indicate avery low protein diet by malnutrition or severe liver damage. Urea may be converted to BUN by dividing with 0.357 factor. Blood urea nitrogen divided by blood creatinine, has a relationship of 1:10. Some clinicians use this ratio to investigate the imbalance leading to the diagnosis of dehydration causing an increase in uremia.
Sample: Arm vein blood. Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Same day 2 hours.