What is NEU? The neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NEU), a combination of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes, is an important parameter examined in blood tests. Neutrophils are white blood cells that form the first line of defense against infections in the body. NEU is crucial for assessing inflammation and infections in the body and can assist physicians in identifying immune system issues.
What is NEU? The neutrophil value indicates the level of infection or inflammation in the body. Physicians use this value to monitor the course of diseases and to determine treatment strategies. High NEU values may indicate bacterial infections or severe inflammatory diseases, while low NEU values may point to immune system disorders.
NEU Blood Test
A blood test is a test used to evaluate the body’s defense mechanism in cases of infection and inflammation. Neutropenia, determined from this test, indicates that the number of neutrophils is below normal levels, which can signify weaknesses in the immune system. The neutrophil count in blood tests is a critical indicator of how the body responds to infections.
The neutrophil value reflects the ratio of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. In infection cases, an increase in the number of neutrophils, the first line of defense in the body, is expected. However, sometimes this number can decrease, indicating immune system issues or bone marrow diseases.
The normal values of neutrophil count are determined according to laboratory reference ranges and may vary depending on a person’s age, gender, and overall health condition.

In cases where low NEU is detected, physicians conduct additional tests to determine the underlying causes. The results of these tests help in assessing the patient’s overall health and determining appropriate treatment methods. Diseases that can be diagnosed with NEU blood tests include:
Accurate measurement of the neutrophil count in blood tests is vital for the early diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, as abnormalities in the neutrophil count can indicate serious immune system issues. Regular health check-ups and blood tests can help detect potential health problems at an early stage.

What is NEU Elevation?
NEU elevation refers to a condition where the neutrophil count in the blood is above normal values. Neutrophils play a crucial role in the body’s fight against infections. Therefore, this increase may be the body’s natural response to infection or inflammation.
In cases of severe stress or post-trauma, an increase in neutrophil levels may be observed. Test results play a critical role in accurately evaluating and treating such conditions. Physicians determine appropriate treatment methods by considering the patient’s medical history and current health status and closely monitor the patient’s recovery process.
What Are the Symptoms of NEU Elevation and Decrease?
Neutrophil elevation and decrease are important indicators reflecting the state of the body’s immune system.
Symptoms of NEU Elevation:
- Common symptoms include fever, chills, and sweating. An increase in neutrophils may indicate that the body is fighting an infection.
- Symptoms such as redness, swelling, and pain in the skin may occur. This could be a sign of chronic inflammatory diseases.
- If the body is constantly fighting an infection or inflammation, the person may feel continuously tired and weak.
- Joint and muscle pains may be a result of inflammatory processes in the body.
Symptoms of Neutrophil Decrease:
- A weakened immune system may cause a person to experience more frequent infections.
- Common symptoms may include fever and chills when the body struggles to fight infections.
- Problems such as mouth sores and gum inflammations may indicate a low NEU value.
- Skin problems like infections, boils, and abscesses are frequently observed.
The neutrophil value being outside the reference range may indicate various health issues, and early diagnosis and treatment of these conditions can make a significant difference in patients’ health. Therefore, regular blood tests are one of the most effective ways to gain insight into the immune system.