In general, the following blood tests are done during the check-up process:
- Whole blood analysis and sedimentation
- Liver function tests
- Kidney function tests
- Parameters of the gallbladder
- Tests on drug use and detoxification functions
- Jaundice (Hepatitis), erythrocyte metabolism
- Blood sugar
- Blood fats (good cholesterol HDL, bad cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL and total cholesterol, total lipid)
- Blood fats risk index
- Minerals (Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, and iron-binding capacity)
- Blood proteins
- Bilirubin panel
- Thyroid functions
- Screening for gout
- Infection and rheumatism determinants
- General tumor determinants
- Prostate tests
Detailed descriptions for each of these tests can be found in the continuation of this article.