Hormones are compounds which are synthesized in tiny amounts and released in blood to be carried to their target organs where they regulate metabolic functions. like digestion of foods, growth, sexual growth, reproduction, emotional behaviours and intelligence, regulation of water balance and body temperature. The basic structure of hormones are various like polypeptides, fatty acids and steroids. Therefore, they have different biochemical detection methods and are considered under a main topic in laboratory medicine.
The tissues where hormones are synthesized are named as endocrine glands. The related clinical branch is Endocrinology. More than one hormone may be synthesized and secreted from a particular gland.
Hormones are classified according to the emdocrine tissue they are synthesized and secreted;
- Pitutiary Gland
- Hypotalamus
- Thymus
- Thyroid
- Adrenals
- Pancreas
- Testis
- Ovaries
- Prostate