Von Willebrand Factor – VWF (Factor VIII)

Von Willebrand Factor is one of the coagulating cascade members which is tightly associated with Factor VIII (a carrier protein for Factor VIII). VWF mediates the adhesion of platelets to sites of vascular damage by binding to spesific platelet membrane glycoproteins and the constituents of connective tissue stimulating the fibrin production to prevent bleeding.
Interpretation: If there is a disorder where the blood does not clot properly , bleeding will take longer or will not stop. This is called the Von Willebrand’s Disease(VWD). The patient will have low levels of VWF (Type I) or it will not not work properly ( Type II). There are more rare types of VWD which should be discussed in details of the disease. The symptoms are nosebleeds starting without injury occuring more than five times a year and last for more than 10 minutes,easy bruising,heavy menstrual bleeding(more than 7 days), passing blood clots larger than grapes, anemia (low number of red blood cells).
Sample: Arm vein plasma(Citrate). Nonfasting
Working day: Wednesday
Result Time: Next day 6:00 PM