VitK is an important factor playing role in clotting cascade. It has 3 types. K1 (phyloquinone) is the type found in nutritients like green leaves, dairy products and vegetable oil. K2(menaquinone) is produced by normal intestinal bacteries but not in adequate amounts fort he body. K3 (menadione) is the soluble form used in Vit K deficiency therapy. Coumadin(Warfarin)is an agent used to inhibit excessive clotting and is used as an antagonist effect for Vit K. It is used in especially patients with coronary and arterial diseases. The doses should be under control with INR (International Normalised Ratio) of protrombin time test because higher doses may lead to excessive bleeding.
Interpretation: VitK depletion is mostly due to nutritive deficiency, impaired absorption(Cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and chronic pancreatitis) or liver diseases leading to low storage. Some antibiotics and salicilates may also impair the absorption. In newborns, Vit K deficiency is common due to the immature intestinal bacterial mucosa and the inadequate breast milk content of Vit K. Low Vit K levels are associated with easy bruising, bleeding of the nose and teeth, excessive menstrual bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, blood in urine and feces, increase in prothrombin time. Vit K excess should be strictly controlled for excessive bleeding.
Sample: Arm vein blood.Nonfasting
Working day: Monday
Result Time: Consult the laboratory