Potassium is an element referred as one of the electrolytes in the blood. Electrolytes are electrically charged elements that help the body in muscle contraction, nerve activity, maintain fluid levels and cell membrane transport functions.
Interpretation: Too low or too high K, is important in monitoring the patient’s electrolyte balance which alters in kidney diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. If the levels are too high(hyperkalemia); irregular heart rhythms, fatique, weakness, nausea and paralysis in the arms and legs are the sypmptoms. These may be the symptoms of kidney disease, burns or other injuries, Type 1 Diabetes, Addison’s disease, some antibiotic effects, too much potassium rich foods (bananas, apricots, avocados). If the levels are too low (hypokalemia), irregular heart rhythms, muscle cramps, twitches, weakness, fatique, nausea and constipation are the symptoms. These may be the symptoms of low potassium diet, alcoholism, diarrhea, vomiting and use of diuretics, aldosteronism (excessive production of aldosterone hormone).
Sample: Arm vein blood. Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: 2 hours.