Macroprolactin is a large antigen-antibody complex which is 1% of the circulating Prolactin hormone (Prolactin bound to IgG). It is an inactive form of prolactin. If a patient with infertility or menstrual problems, hyperprolactinemia (high blood prolactin), false prolactin elevation may lead to a misdiagnosis. To avoid this, macroprolactin is needed for discrimination between true or false prolactinemia.
Interpretation: False hyperprolactinemia may be the result of pregnancy, stress,pain and excessive physical exercise. Pathologic hyperprolactinemia, may be the result of mechanical stimulation of breast, chest wall trauma, primary hypothyroidism, pituitary adenoma, intracranial tumors of the pituitary stalk or hypotalamus, empty sella syndrome, PRL stimulating drugs, dopaminergic blocking agents, dopaminergic depleting agents, tricyclic antidepressants. The presence of macroprolactin should always be suspected where patient’s clinical history are incompatible by his/her high prolactin values to discriminate false elevations with true results.
Sample: Arm vein blood. Nonfasting
Working day: Friday
Result Time: Next day 6:00 PM