CD is an abbreviation of’ Cluster of Differentiation’.CD molecules are cell surface molecules which are very useful for for the identification and characterization of leucocytes.The initial idea behind the CD nomenclature was the classification of many different monoclonal antibodies against cell surface molecules of leucocytes. Today, there are more than 320 CD clusters, but the most important types are CD45,CD3,CD4,CD8,CD56,CD19,CD20,CD11c,CD!+,CD33,CD66b,CD34,CD41,CD61,CD235a,CD!46 CD molecules on leucocyte surfaces, sense the hazardous enviromental changes added to their functtion of cell adhession and communication between the cells, both within the immune system and stroma.These include receptors,transporters,channels and enzymes. The test is performed with flow cytometry method.
Interpretation: Low and High values: The test is used for identification of CD clusters each giving information for different immunological situations needed for the diagnosis and follow up treatment fort he immunologists.
Sample: Arm vein plasma (EDTA). Body Fluids, Bone marrow.Nonfasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Next day 6:00 PM