
Apoproteins are proteins that bind to and help solubilise lipids which are hydrophobic .They bind lipids to form lipoproteins. In this way, they transport lipids, together with fat soluble vitamins to the tissues where they are necessary. Apoproteins+Lipids= Apolipoproteins. There are two types of Apolipoproteins. These are A and B. Apo A, is a protein that has spesific roles in the transport of HDL, the ‘ good ‘ cholesterol. It goes to the tissues and picks the excess cholesterol, transporting it back to the liver. There, it is either recycled for a needed use or excreted in the bile.The reverse process of cholesterol taken from the cells is the only way that cells can get rid of cholesterol. This is a way of the body to protect itself from cardiovascular disease (CVD). There are two forms of Apo A, I and II. Apo AI is 3/1 of Apo A II. Therefore, Apo AI deficiency may be a risk factor for CVD. Apo B is the primary component of LDL the ‘bad’cholesterol.It is the Apoprotein carrying cholesterol to the cells and mediates the accumulation of cholesterol.This is a high risk for CVD.
Interpretation: High values of Apo A I and II are good for the cardiovascular disease risks where low values are the opposite. However, low ApoB levels are good for the cardiovascular disease where high values are the opposite.
Sample: Arm vein blood.Fasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: The same day at 6:00 PM