Angiotensin II

Angiotensin is a vasoconstrictor peptide hormone causing increase in blood pressure. Angiotensin, also stimulates the release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex to promote sodium retention by kidneys. There are two forms of angiotensin. Angiotensin I is produced from a liver protein angiotensinogen. The process is catalyzed by rennin enzyme in the kidreys. Angiotensin I is converted into Angiotensin II in the blood by the action of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme. The main role of Angiotensin I and II is to maintain blood pressure in the body, Angiotensin II, increases blood pressure by stimulating sympathetic nervous system for vasoconstruction and increase aldosteron production to stimulate ion retention. Angiotensin II, is the active form of Angiotensin I. It also increases the production of Antidiuretic Hormone to contribute to the elevated blood pressure..
Interpretation:When angiotensin is high, blood pressure is increased, blood vessels are constricted and it alerts thedesire for salt and triggers thirst. Angiotensin elevation causes pressure induced renal injury via itsability to induce systemic and renal glomerular hypertension. It may also cause ischemia inducedrenal injury, secondary to intrarenal vasoconstrıctıon. It may cause tubular injury by increasingproteinuria. Angiotensin deficiency may prevent the regulation of blood volume, increases retention of Potassiumand leads to a loss of sodium with more urine output. The body releases the needed fluid. This lowersthe blood pressure.
Sample: Arm vein plasma(EDTA),Nonfasting
Working day: Wednesday
Result Time: Approx 4 weeks (Consult the laboratory)