Total lipid: Lipids are fat and fat-like substances that are an essential building block and energy source for cells. The lipid panel measures the total amount of all blood fats. It is important for health that lipids remain at certain levels.
Total Cholesterol: Cholesterol is found in the blood in a protein ball called apoprotein, which also contains other types of fats. They are called differently depending on their cholesterol content and tasks. Since high total cholesterol can cause the risk of blockage of the heart vessels, this value should be below 200mg/dl. For this reason, it should be checked frequently, and its other sub-fractions should be considered with its total.
HDL Cholesterol: HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) is the molecular structure known as good cholesterol among people and prevents its accumulation in the veins by taking the cholesterol accumulated in the veins into its body and taking it to the liver. Therefore, it is desired to be high.
LDL Cholesterol: It is called bad cholesterol among people since it causes atherosclerosis (vascular occlusion) due to leaving the cholesterol in the vessel walls during the separation of fats called triglycerides from the molecule called VLDL (Very Low-Density Lipoprotein) made in the liver and transporting them to the tissues. It is desired to be low.
VLDL Cholesterol: It is a molecule made in the liver and contains a high percentage of a fat type called triglycerides. It transforms into LDL while transporting triglyceride from the liver to the tissues as an energy source. VLDL is the first molecule responsible for transporting triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol stored and synthesized in the liver to the tissues in need.
Triglyceride: It is fats that are the body’s primary source of energy after sugar. If the body does not need this energy source at the time of receipt, it stores it for later use. The higher the triglyceride in the blood, the more cholesterol the body synthesizes to balance it. Thus, high triglyceride levels become more harmful. Fats burned when doing sports are also triglycerides. Excess calories from food are also stored as triglycerides.
Blood Fats Risk Index: The American Heart Association has conducted statistical studies between death from heart diseases and blood lipids worldwide and expressed the risk of catching heart diseases as a ratio according to the person’s blood lipid status. It is a warning that people at high risk should monitor their blood lipids, lifestyle, and diet much more closely than those in low and moderate-risk groups.