ADHD is a neurodevelopment disorder. This means that it affects brain functions and shows itself in childhood, continues into adulthood and expresses itself with behavioral disorders.
ADHD is explained with 3 main symptoms whic are attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Symptom are more apparent in children while adults show these symptoms differently because they have found ways to cover and them. Therefore it is necessary to clearly differentiate the beahaviors of adults and children.
The symptoms show in preschool and/or school children. Agressive behaviors, attention deficit, anger, responding behavior , hyperactivity, problems in relation with peers and even speaking disorders may be observed. At teenage period, skipping school, academical failure, illegal behaviors, early sexual relations, failure in social relations, failure in fulfilling responsibilities and anxiety are common observations. In adulthood hyperactivity is seen as a general discomfort. They feel discomfort in attending and listening long term activities and if insisted they may become aggressive.
Impulsivity is also a common adulthood behavior.
All these disorders are treatable if realised early. Cooperation between the family, school teachers, friends and relatives, positive approaches and therapies are recommendableFor adulthood treatment drug theraph is the first step. Moreover , awareness of himself and his partner and people whom he is in relation are the improvable approaches. The person should be aware of his power, be selfconfident, and learn how to turn this situation for his benefit is the main solution to overcome the difficulties of this disorder.
Reference: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD):psikeART; Jan, Feb 2022; 79